Writing a Storage Module

Each storage object is a class which needs to be derived from storage.Storage. You can have more than one storage object per python file.

Required components

You will need to override store(self, results). results is a python dictionary that is one of two formats. It is either:

  "Files": {
    "file1": {},
    "file2": {}
  "Metadata": {
    "module1": {},
    "module2": {}


  "file1": {},
  "file2": {}

A storage module should support both, even if the metadata is discarded.

Optional components

  • You can override DEFAULTCONF in your storage module. This is a dictionary of config options which will appear in the storage config file.
  • You can override setup(self). This should be anything that can be done once to prepare for mutliple calls to store, e.g. opening a network connection or file handle.
  • You can override teardown(self). This will be called when no more store calls are going to be made.