
Running the MultiScanner test suite is fairly straight forward. We use the pytest framework, which you can install by running:

$ pip install pytest

After that, simply cd into the top level multiscanner directory and run the command:

$ pytest

This will automatically find all the tests in the tests/ directory and run them. We encourage developers of new modules and users to contribute to our testing suite!

Front-end Tests with Selenium

Running front-end tests with Selenium requires installation and configuration outside of the Python environment, namely the installation of Firefox and geckodriver.

  1. Install Firefox.
  2. Download latest geckodriver release from GitHub.
  3. Add geckodriver to system path.

Additional information about geckodriver setup can be found here.

If pytest is unable to find Firefox or geckodriver, the front-end tests will be skipped. This is indicated by a ‘s’ in the pytest output.

Tests have been run successfullly with Firefox 58 and geckodriver 0.19.1 on macOS and Ubuntu 14.04, 16.04.


The Firefox version available in the base repo is too far out-of-date to be compatible with the tests. Manually update Firefox to the latest version.

  1. Remove old version of Firefox:

    $ yum remove firefox
  2. You may need to install these dependencies for Firefox:

    $ yum install -y gtk3 glib-devel glib pango pango-devel
  3. Download latest version of Firefox:

    $ cd /usr/local
    $ curl -L http://ftp.mozilla.org/pub/firefox/releases/58.0/linux-x86_64/en-US/firefox-58.0.tar.bz2 | tar -xjf
  4. Add symlink to bin dir:

    $ ln -s /usr/local/firefox/firefox /usr/bin/firefox